Tag: recycled bikes

Bikes that have been restored to as new condition


The Centre for Better Health has opened a bike workshop adding to their group of social enterprises at 13 Stean Street London E8 4ED. The workshop offers the normal offerings of a bicycle workshop, such as affordable bike servicing from a Cytech Trained mechanic, puncture repairs, along with free bike health checks and a free simple bike fitting, while offering trainee placements for those recovering from mental ill health.

There are recycled bicycles for sale, very reasonable priced locks , along with advice on how to use them effectively.

The bike shop is open Tuesday – Friday 10am – 6pm and Saturday 10am – 4pm

Evening classes for the home mechanic will cover topics for complete beginners, such as puncture repair, gears and brakes. Intermediate topics will cover drive train replacement; hub servicing; wheel truing; headset replacement, etc. We will be able to sell you tools and parts as your experience grows. See Classes page for more details or to register an interest.

The Centre for Better Health aim to bring the community together through our social enterprises and provide trainee placements to adults recovering from mental ill-health. For more details about our trainee programme click here